In my last post, I discussed the claim made by Holocaust fanatics that on September 4, 1939, the German invaders carried out a massacre of Jewish civilians in the Polish city of Czestochowa. I showed that no one seems to know how many people were killed in this alleged massacre and that most of the figures seem to have been invented out of thin air. Certainly, it was obvious from the figures that the victims consisted of a mixture of both Jews and Poles, so there is, in fact, no case for any belief that the Germans massacred Jews per se. They didn't kill any Jews for being Jews, and all the books and websites which suggest that they did are lying to you.
The question of how many Jews were killed is a misleading one, because here, as throughout the entire so-called Holocaust, the Germans killed Jews who were fighting them as partisans, not Jews just because they happened to be Jews. The story of what happened at Czestochowa is a classic case of the deliberate and systematic misrepresentation of German/partisan warfare in Poland and eastern Europe as a series of German massacres. What the mainstream books and websites usually don't tell you is that on September 4, 1939, the Germans were still fighting to take control of Czestochowa. Although regular Polish troops had evacuated the city on the night of September 3-4, 1939, German troops were engaged for most of September 4 in combat with partisans, who were sniping at them in a reasonably well co-ordinated effort to defend the city. The figures given for enemy fatalities in the "Bericht ueber Tschenstochau" (mentioned in the previous post) would have been for partisans killed in action, not civilians massacred.
The Germans were so perturbed by mendacious press reports that they had been committing atrocities against the Catholic population of Czestochowa that on the morning of September 5, 1939, they flew in from Berlin a number of reporters from various countries to let them see for themselves what was happening there. Among those flown in was a leading American journalist, Louis P. Lochner of the Associated Press. Lochner's report of what he learned during his day in Czestochowa was widely published in the American press on September 7, 1939. I reproduce his report below.
This report, not the lies of the Holocaust disinformation complex which seeks to persuade you that the first thing the Germans did when they captured a Polish city was massacre the Jews, tells you in plain language what was really happening there. What was happening was that Germans were fighting partisans.
At one point Lochner refers to the snipers as civilians, which is obviously misleading. They may have been wearing 'civilian attire,' but they were civilians only in the sense that they were not part of the regular Polish army. The snipers apprehended by the Germans were, moreover, not executed. They were taken to hurriedly improvised stockades and then internment camps. Those who had killed German officers were transported to Sachsenhausen concentration camp in Germany, where, according to mainstream Holocaust sources, they were treated as the lowest of the low. No distinction was made between Polish and Jewish partisans at any stage of the process.